Sonntag, 5. April 2009

Look what I made!

This is not a "craft-ie" type blog - I'd love it to be but I am sadly too time prohibited to knock things up willy-nilly. I am however extremely craft addicted - my personal Internet porn is the Design-sponge website - I can spend hours sneaking peaks at other people's fabulously redisigned homes, or even better, the "Before and After" section where people turn nasty furniture into dazzling masterpieces of contemporary design. I've been so inspired by all this craftiness that I've stripped a chest of drawers and am waiting until I've got enough cash to give it a complete overhaul.

I got busy in the kitchen over Easter though. I'm no gourmet - lets make that clear from the start - I find cooking a chore at the moment because there's no chance of anyone saying "Wow - the flavour! The presentation! A delight to the pallette!" - instead it's "But I don't like mushrooms! Why did you put the sauce ON the pasta?" I do like baking though - always had a thing about desserts and cakes. So for Easter I made a Simnel cake and some lovely tartlets.

These were dead easy to make and well worth the fiddly pastry bit. The combination of creamy marscapone, cream and white chocolate, mixed with smoky chocolate pastry and tart raspberries, was really rather good.

The Simnel cake was total bollocks - easy to make - just chuck everything in a bowl and mix, then stick it in a cake tin - but the cake tasted rubbish.

A crafty project which turned out OK was a dolly bed set I made for a pram which surfaced in the Eifel house recently. The kids were using tea-towells as blankets and I thought Ronnie and Ruby (the girls dollies) could do with something a bit prettier. A few weeks and lots of sewing machine needles later, I knocked up this.... I was quite impressed as I have no previous history of being able to do anything with a sewing machine apart from break it.